We specialise
in the live removal
of honey bees -
There are over 250
species of bee in the UK;
let’s identify yours -
How and why we
harmlessly remove
Honey Bees -
Report a swarm
or Register to work
with us -
Honey bees have been
producing honey in the same
way for 150 million years! -
Anyone can make
a difference to
help save bees -
In the past 100 years, the UK
has lost 13 species of bee
and 35 species are endangered -
Take a look at our
work and listen to what
our customers say

Live Honey Bee Removal

Louise Chapman BA (Hons) PGCE
“Honey bees are vitally important for plant pollination, but with the mass use of insecticides and pesticides they have become endangered.
The UN have reported that of the 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of the world’s food, more than 70% are pollinated by bees. It is therefore vitally important that we take care of our bees.”
The incorrect removal or illegal treatment of a honeycomb could result in a fine of up to £25,000.
During the past 10 years that I have been working in pest and wildlife management, I have often been contacted to deal with honey bees. In recent years, insecticides have been reclassified as prohibitive for use to control honey bees, and rightly so; Without bees there is no us! I decided live honey bee removal was ecologically the right option and decided to create Buzz-Off. My team and I, who are experts in our fields can remove honey bee colonies live, from chimneys, walls, roofs and trees in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and London.
Honey bee swarms can set up home in chimneys and wall cavities. Swarming is a natural instinct and is how honey bees create a new colony and will usually be on a warm day anytime between May to late July. If a honey bee swarm is left and not collected quickly (within the same day), it could quickly colonise a chimney, roof or wall.
Removing bees due to nuisance, structural damage or work prevention reasons, is not an easy job and isn’t as straight forward as treating other insect nests. Large numbers of bees within a colony can become more problematic once a large honeycomb structure has been created. When a swarm decides to setup home, the workers very quickly build comb and once the Queen has started laying eggs, they will stay put and continue to build and very soon a full sized colony will be in residence. It is very difficult to remove safely and requires skill, knowledge and expertise of bee specialists and builders. Here at Buzz-Off, the expert and experienced team members work together to ensure live honey bees are removed safely.
When you commission us to survey the honey bees, we will send you a report containing a fixed and detailed quotation for honey bee swarm or colony removal. We can use a drone to see where the bees are entering property in hard to reach and high areas and also use thermal imaging cameras to pinpoint the exact location of a colony within a property. Working closely with local and qualified bee keepers, we safely remove your bees and locate them elsewhere so that they may develop and grow within a hive. We respond quickly to call outs and will remove bee swarms and colonies in a professional and secure manner. We do not use insecticides or pesticides because we are passionate about protecting endangered honey bees and future-proofing our environment.
How can we help you?
If you think you have a bee nest on your property that is causing problems, get in touch with Louise to arrange for a site visit and no-obligation quote: